Posted on May 19, 2021
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. Is it ever too late to refer a debt?
Subject to some different legal principles in each State, broadly speaking, debts may be pursued for up to 6 years from the date they are incurred, however our view is the earlier the better! When someone becomes non-responsive or evasive, that is usually a sign that there may be trouble ahead. Discussing the matter and getting on top of the debt early also sets a precedent for the years ahead.
Q. What if a debt can not be settled in full?
We are a big believer in working with individuals, families and businesses to negotiate not only an arrangement that is acceptable but one that is affordable. It is important to be flexible to agree an arrangement that can be met rather than demand one that can’t be met and which may only result in hostility.
Q. Isn’t debt collection seen as an aggressive step?
It is about understanding each individual's circumstances and approaching them with respect and understanding. We are also representing you, your business or your school and the message we are portraying on your behalf is equally important. Most people are apprehensive at first contact however after speaking with them and discussing the process, it eases their mind. We have often received positive feedback from families and Schools for our understanding and supportive approach through the recovery process.